Seven Positive Responses to Negative Feedback


Leadership Freak


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Negative feedback isn’t the issue. You are.

How you respond to correction, criticism, and negative feedback tells me who you are. It’s even more telling when it comes from someone of lower status.

Negative responses:

  1. “It’s your fault too.”
  2. Making it personal.
  3. Standing aloof
  4. Minimizing.
  5. Arguing.
  6. Feeling attacked.
  7. Finger pointing.
  8. Excuse making.
  9. Denial.
  10. “I’ll never be good enough.”

Negative responses to negative feedback delay growth, destroy progress, and lose respect.

Focus on response.
Learn how to take it gracefully.
Receiving correction is pivotal to your leadership.

Positive responses:

  1. Gratitude. Don’t get gushy or pretend it doesn’t hurt. Just say thanks for your feedback.
  2. Questions. Avoid statements until you’ve asked clarifying questions.
  3. Restatements. “I hear you saying…”
  4. Solutions. Ask for suggested solutions. Simple is essential; one or two is enough.
  5. Happy. Do corrective behaviors make sense and feel good? If the path forward isn’t inviting you’ll avoid it.
  6. Initiate…

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